Sometimes an actor fits the role so perfectly that the character becomes iconic. We’ve seen this happen in television, radio, movies, and on stage.  One of the best examples from Doctor Who was the pairing of Elisabeth Sladen with Sarah Jane Smith.  An iconic and timeless pairing.  I recently discovered the following story when cleaning out my OneDrive folders, and I chose to convert it into this post.

Image Courtesy of the BBC

Thirty seconds. I needed only thirty seconds before realizing I could go no further. My breath disappeared as tears clouded my vision. I took a screenshot and sent it to my Discussing Who co-hosts.  “I thought it was a retrospective video,” I told them, “But – as soon as I realized what it was – I couldn’t continue and stopped the video.” I clicked off the browser and redirected my attention to something else.  

I could not say farewell to Sarah Jane Smith.  

History tells a different story. Sarah Jane Smith, and the amazing human being who brought this character to life, died nine years ago. The video airing on the anniversary of her passing, while beautiful and proper, offered no consolation. Seeing John Barrowman’s own video while watching Journey’s End made me cry. 

Events affect and some leave lasting impressions.  

Elisabeth Sladen’s Death

I remember sitting in a meeting on the afternoon of April 19, 2011. At some point I checked a long-forgotten news app and chanced upon an article from The Guardiani with the headline: Elisabeth Sladen Dies Aged 65 

It read:  

The actor Elisabeth Sladen best known for her role as Doctor Who’s time travelling companion, has died of cancer, aged 65. Sladen played many roles over the years but was defined by her portrayal of tough-talking journalist Sarah Jane Smith in the BBC series, and later went on to star in her own spin-off programme, The Sarah Jane Adventures. 

I excused myself, walked down the hall to the nearest restroom, entered, locked the door, and wept. On my way home, listening to Song of Freedom from the Doctor Who Series 4 Soundtrack, I wept again.  

How could this be? How could our Sarah Jane Smith be gone so suddenly and without any warning?  

I often comment on how podcasters view content differently because we search for explanations and look for connections. This grants us the ability to better share our thoughts and opinions with our listeners. Or I sometimes overthink things. Over the years since Elisabeth Sladen’s death, I discovered the source of my devotion. As a wise man once said, “we must remain connected.”  

Connecting Across the Whoniverse

Sarah Jane Smith connected classic and current Doctor Who. Through Sarah, I completely accepted The Doctor when they met again in School Reunion. If Sarah Jane accepts The Doctor, how could we not?  

While the BBC could not complete the planned Series 5 of The Sarah Jane Adventures, the cast filmed three of the five stories before her death. The final series’ broadcast began in October 2011. 

I still have not watched it.  


These unwatched stories mean I still have new adventures waiting.  

In hindsight, I did what many of us do when coping with a loss. We look for an out. We deny it. We want to escape when we really need to simply say goodbye.  

Clarence suggested I react to the farewell video, and I may still do so. For now, I invite you on a journey. This post stands for our starting point with Farewell, Sarah Jane as our destination. Along the way, we will stop off for all the stories Series 5 brings, with other unscheduled stops, too. 

While I never knew Elisabeth Sladen, I feel like I knew Sarah Jane, as I am sure you feel the same.  

Don’t forget me.” Sarah Jane Smith, The Hand of Fear  
