If given the chance to travel with the Doctor, would you? If given the chance, which incarnation would be your first choice – or last? Join us as we rank our choices across all incarnations. What are your thoughts? Do you agree with our choices? Let us know on social media @DiscussingWho. The Discussing Network presents Discussing Who Episode 296.  Hosted by Lee Shackleford, Clarence Brown, and Kyle Jones.


Episode 296

If given the chance to travel with the Doctor, would you? If given the chance, which incarnation would be your first choice – or last? Join us as we rank our choices across all incarnations. What are your thoughts? Do you agree with our choices? Let us know on social media @DiscussingWho. The Discussing Network presents Discussing Who Episode 296.  Hosted by Lee Shackleford, Clarence Brown, and Kyle Jones.

What are your thoughts?
Hit us up at hosts@discussingnetwork or @discussingwho on all the social media. We want to hear from you! Leave us a voicemail message on the Discussing Who Call Line. Simply dial (805)850-DWHO (3946). (Airtime and/or long-distance rates apply, if applicable.) Already following us on Facebook? Simply send a message there.
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Real Characters
Last year we asked ourselves and our listeners a simple but important question: What makes Doctor Who important to you? The answer now lies within the pages of Real Characters: The Psychology of Parasocial Relationships with Media Characters, by Dr. Karen Shackleford, Ph.D. (Ed.) from Fielding University Press providing insight into why we connect with fictional characters. The Doctor Changes, but the Feelings Stay the Same, is the bow-tie-worthy Eleventh Chapter. Real Characters is available now on Amazon.
Discussing Who: A Doctor Who Podcast
Discussing Who features three friends discussing Doctor Who.  Come join the fun!
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Discussing Network is a network of podcasts covering all things geek and pop culture!
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